Top 5 card games list

Cards are played all over the world. Grandmothers and grandfathers, children, moms, dads…

Cards are a family game par excellence and there are many varieties adapted to many countries of the world.

kiwi card games

Games like Solitaire, Rummy, Spider and many more are known by millions of people, who love to spend their best moments behind an entertaining game.

But it’s not just a matter of fun; for many people, playing cards is a full-time profession.

However, for other people, it is important to know the games well in order to bet on casinos, which can be online or face-to-face. In any case, to play cards in any way, it is necessary to learn.

For that reason, card games list is your new best option to know the rules and everything related to each of the card games that exist.

In this card games list, you will be able to know the modalities of card games, as well as their different rules.

If you want to learn to play, understand the instructions and follow the best rules, this is your place.

Dare to know the best games then! Here is the top 5 most popular card games of all time!

Top 5 online cardgames recomended by!

1. Solitaire Classic

Solitaire is a game that we have all at least tried to play. Maybe at some point you have not had internet connection and you have spent time playing in the application of the Microsoft Solitaire Collection.


You have also been able to opt for the classic option to draw your deck of cards and start playing alone.

The great attraction of Solitaire is that you don’t need anyone else; on your own you are just adequate.

Has it ever happened to you that Solitaire’s game has been impossible for you to win? This is possible. The Solitaire Classic seems simple as each of the cards in the deck must be arranged in order and separately.

However, the game’s own dynamic makes it difficult to achieve. In Card Games List you can know each of the rules of the Solitaire Classic to become the best player.

Learn more about Solitare Classic

2. Solitaire Spider

If you thought the Solitaire has only one presentation or way of playing, you are very wrong.

The traditional card game designed for a single player has many variants so you don’t get bored at any time. One of the main ones is the game known as Spider Solitaire.

Like the Solitaire Classic, it is played with the same deck of cards, but its dynamics are influenced by time.

The idea in this game is to group pairs of cards but keep the formation of four columns.

The objective is that you can clean the board of existing cards. Its features have made the Solitaire Spider become an attractive game on multiple online servers, with different levels of difficulty and complexity.

Learn more about Solitare Spider

3. Gin Rummy

How many times have you heard people who say they know how to play Rummy? Have you seen the game and found it very difficult?


Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. Also known as Gin, this is a game that has its origins in 1909.

It is usually played with even numbers of players- mostly two or four. For many, it is a fast version of the Rummy but that can generate exciting and long-lasting games.

The Gin Rummy has no difficult rules. It is also played with a deck of 52 cards and the objective is to form combinations of three equal cards of the same value, or three consecutive cards, which must be of the same suit.

Different series must be formed with separate cards, and each card has a certain score. Is it not easy?

Learn more about Gin Rummy

4. Spades

Since the 1930s, millions of people play Spades. This is a game for two or more players but the standard figure is usually four players. Like the previous ones, Spades is played with a deck of 52 cards.

When there are four participants, these are grouped in pairs and each player receives 13 cards.

The game is measured by points because a team will get the victory when it reaches 100 points.

Everything seems very technical in Spades, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Many players appreciate this game because it requires some strategy and planning.

During 13 rounds, the couples will have incredible fun but they should also concentrate and plan wisely their next moves, if they want to win.

Learn more about Spades

5. Seven (Card games from New Zealand)

Are you from New Zealand? If you are or grew up in that wonderful archipelago of Oceania, it is very likely that you know how incredible it is to play Seven.


This game, although not as well known worldwide, is increasingly acquiring more fans. Seven, as the name implies, is a game that has a deck of seven different sets.

Within each of these sets, there are seven common cards, 17 special cards and additionally, 4 wild cards.

To start playing in NZ, ten cards will be dealt to each player.

Each player will have their turn and the final objective will be to try to collect cards from the seven sets, and thus, be able to have a much wider sample of the entire deck. Don’t you think it is fun?

Learn more about Seven

BONUS: Multiplayer games online

No game is as fun when playing it alone as when playing it with your closest friends.

Live casino multiplayer games are therefore one of the most popular online casino games.

Here we can both play with our friends and at the same time have a nervous tingling feeling every time we win in the casino.

Learn more about multiplayer live casino games